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Dear Friends,

first an important change of scedule: The lifetrees are most likely to be set on the 22nd of Aug. It depends if the stonemasons have finished their work by then. But it is Lama Chogdrup’s wish that we can set the lifetrees already at the 22nd instead of the 24th.

In case you haven’t noticed yet you can now use our online registration to register for your stay in KBL.

Stupas building

While we were having intense meditation days with the blessing of the Tsa-Tsas for Tsuktor and Öser Trime Mandalas

Tsuktor Trime Mandala

circumbulating of Tsuktor Trime Mandala

Tsuktor Trime Mandala detail

the granite parts of the Stupas arrived. Shortly after the professionals for the granite work at the Stupas arrived and started their work.

granite parts for Stupas arrived

professionals for granite work arrived

During the unloading of the granite parts one of the trucks almost slid into the Stupa sockets. However the truck was pulled out by an other truck and no damage happened to the Stupas.

sliding truck

Thus we could at last place and fill the boxes for the first chambers of the actual Stupas.

first chamber of Stupa

filling first chamber of Stupa

still filling first chamber of Stupa

On site

Also on site there is always something to do:

Lecture with Lama Chugdrup

Listening to lectures with Lama Chogdrup

storing wood for winter

Storing wood for the winter

Building new benches for the dining area

Cooking for friends

Cooking for the Lama

2017-08-14T14:28:23+00:00 August 10th, 2017|