8 Stupas in Karma Berchen Ling

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8 Stupas in Karma Berchen Ling 2018-01-15T15:39:13+00:00

The year 2017 was a very auspicious one for Karma Berchen Ling and its International Sangha: Under the spiritual guidance of Lama Chogdrup Dorje, we built all 8 non-tantric stupas in one place.

Everyone was invited to participate in preparation, construction and inauguration – and to share the blessing.

Many friends from many different countries came to help and to enjoy. Lama Chogdrub Dorje involved everybody in the blessing of the Tsatsas and Mandals and in filling the Stupas, giving gernerously blissful teachings

The year 2017 was a very auspicious one for Karma Berchen Ling and its International Sangha: Under the spiritual guidance of Lama Chogdrup Dorje, we built all 8 non-tantric stupas in one place.

Everyone was invited to participate in preparation, construction and inauguration – and to share the blessing.

Many friends from many different countries came to help and to enjoy. Lama Chogdrub Dorje involved everybody in the blessing of the Tsatsas and Mandals and in filling the Stupas, giving gernerously blissful teachings

The Meaning of the 8 Stupas

All 8 non-tantric Stupas how they will be build in KBL

Stupas are Buddhist monuments, which express the nature of mind in a perfect way. They symbolize not only the Buddha state of “body, speech and mind inseparable” but also the entire path through the ten Bodhisattva levels until full enlightenment.

The Stupa consists of a structure which shows the harmony and perfection of all universal principles and invites to partake in the development and endless possibilities of the human mind.

Basically one can find descriptions of eight different types of Stupas in the Sutras. They refer to important events in the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Stupas were built at different places in India according to the events and became holy sites. Seven of the eight forms can be built separately. But the Paranirvana Stupa can traditionally only be built together with the other seven.

Later, the tradition of the so called “Tathagata Stupas of the eight sacred places” came to Tibet. At some Tibetan monasteries you can find the eight Stupas together at the wall, counting 108 or even 1,080 Stupas all together. In Europe, all eight Stupas were build together in Montchardon (France) by Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche together with Lama Tonsang and Lama Chogdrup Dorje.

Built at one place, all eight non-tantric Stupas create a strong protective field which can keep away negative forces. Built at the entrance of KBL, this “wall of Stupas” will not only remind of the deeds of Buddha but also protect the retreat place outwardly.

The “Lotus Stupa” was built at Buddha’s time in Lumbini. The main body appears in the form of a lotus and symbolizes Buddha’s birth.

Lotus Stupa

The “Enlightenment Stupa” or “Stupa of overcoming all hindrances” was built by the Dharma king Bimbisara, honoring Buddha’s enlightenment in Bodhgaya. On the evening before reaching enlightenment, Buddha Shakyamuni removed the last subtle veils and obstacles in his mind, which is also represented in this form.

Enlightenment Stupa

The “Wisdom Stupa” or “Stupa of 16 doors” was built on the occasion of Buddha’s first teaching “The four noble truths” which he gave in Sarnath/Varanasi.

Wisdom Stupa

The “Stupa of Miracles” represents how Buddha converted the “followers of wrong views” through the power of miracles. This form of a Stupa was built by a person named Lisabi in Shravasti.

Stupa of Miracles

Buddha gave teachings to his mother in the god realms, in the Tushita heaven. The descent from this realm is symbolised by the many steps on this “Stupa of descent from Tushita heaven”, which was built in Shankasa.

Stupa of the descent from God realms

Devadatta, the cousin of Buddha, had created difficulties among the practitioners. To mark the reconciliation of the Sangha, the “Stupa of reconciliation” or “Stupa of unity” was built in Rajgir.

The Stupa of reconciliation

Shortly before his death Buddha extended his life for three months because his students asked him not to pass away. This happened in Vaishali and is represented by the “Stupa of complete victory” or “All victorious Stupa.”

Stupa of complete victory

This form of a Stupa symbolizes Buddha’s entering of Paranirvana or the death of Buddha in Kushinagara. The main body of the Stupa has the form of a bell, and is a symbol for the perfect wisdom of Buddha.

Paranirvana Stupa