“Getting Deeper into Meditation”
Dear friends, After the retreat we had together in Karma Berchen Ling it is really hard to put it in [...]
Dear friends, After the retreat we had together in Karma Berchen Ling it is really hard to put it in [...]
Going up on weekend to meet our house keeper Ricky and plant apple trees we got from Austria - one Swiss, [...]
Karola's email to Lama Dear Lama We send you all our love from KBL. We are doing fine. It is [...]
In May this year once again we held our Prostration retreat here up on the mountain of KBL. This time [...]
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Some Great pictures from Anastasia Petrakova. Enjoy it !!! " template="/var/home/tomlamm_at/www/KBL/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/view/gallery.php" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]
It has been few years since the program of taking care of Berchen Ling by international sangha started and it [...]
It was my first stay at Karma Berchen Ling and, actually, I am wordless. I have experienced great joy, true [...]
Last week we had a special visit on our retreat place KBL. Together with few of us we went up [...]
This year again we had a great retreat with the 8th Karmapa Meditation. It took place on our lovely mount [...]