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Mud Weekend

2017-11-05T20:23:20+00:00 December 17th, 2013|

Going up on weekend to meet our house keeper Ricky and plant apple trees we got from Austria - one Swiss, [...]

Polish Spring in KBL

2017-11-05T20:46:07+00:00 May 12th, 2013|

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German Month

2017-11-05T20:31:45+00:00 April 20th, 2013|

Some Great pictures from Anastasia Petrakova. Enjoy it !!! " template="/var/home/tomlamm_at/www/KBL/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/view/gallery.php" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]

Czech Retreat on KBL

2017-11-05T20:39:53+00:00 February 27th, 2013|

It has been few years since the program of taking care of Berchen Ling by international sangha started and it [...]