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Contact 2018-01-15T17:22:00+00:00

If you have questions about KBL, or how to get involved in the 8 Stupa project don’t hesitate to write us an e-mail using the following contact form.

If you would like to come to KBL, please register prior to your trip via our registration form.

Our international team at Karma Berchen Ling (mobile): +30 694 608 0969 | Jan in Athens (mobile): +30 695 720 9904

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This website is managed in Austria by:

Berchen Ling Event Organisation e.V.
Pfeifferhofweg 94
A-8045 Graz

The Buddhist center Karma Berchen Ling is part of the global Diamond Way Buddhist network ( The purpose of the Berchen Ling website is to provide information about the activities at the centre. The Berchen Ling website does not have any commercial goals and offers free and direct access to everyone interested. All contributions to the Berchen Ling website are made on a voluntary basis.

The Berchen Ling Event Organisation e.V. is the editor of this website, reserves all rights and is also held accountable under Austrian press law.

The Berchen Ling website and its components are copyright protected. Pursuant to Austrian copyright law, the end user is allowed to view the contents of the website online and may use the contents for his own, private purposes. Any further use (such as analog reproduction for publication as well as digital reproduction for transmission via the Internet, translations or other modifications, etc.) require the editor’s written permission. However, the editor reserves the right to deny permission when deemed necessary. This also applies to uses in addition to viewing the Berchen Ling website and downloading information, such as establishing deep links and incorporating the Berchen Ling website into frames of third party websites. The creation of simple HTML links is permissible, but the editor reserves the right to demand the prompt removal of such links by the creator within a certain period of time without stating any reasons.

With regard to the assembly and publication of information, the editor exercises the utmost care and diligence to provide current, accurate and complete data to the degree that this can be expected in the scope of voluntary involvement. Unless there is proof that the editor has acted with negligence, however, he does not accept any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information. Furthermore, no liability is accepted for any damages due to inaccurate information, nor to damages arising from the process of information transmission. Every visit to the server is logged by date, IP address and documents viewed. These data may be evaluated for statistical purposes and may be published anonymously. The data will not be forwarded to third parties for commercial purposes. By visiting the Diamond Way Buddhism website, the end user accepts these conditions for use as binding.

The Berchen Ling Event Organisation e.V. does not associate itself with any third party content linked to from the Diamond Way Buddhism website via hyperlink or any other means, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

If you have questions regarding copyright, content or linking, please contact us.