Kalachakra Stupa in Karma Berchen Ling

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Kalachakra Stupa in Karma Berchen Ling 2018-01-15T11:06:39+00:00

The Kalachakra Stupa is the rarest kind of Buddhist Stupas, and is created to protect against negative energies. The Kalachakra Stupa in Karma Berchen Ling was build under the spiritual guidance of Lama Chogdrup Dorje with the help and support of more than 1,000 friends from all over the world.

In August 2010, Lama Chogdrup Dorje and Lama Ole Nydahl inaugurated the Kalachakra Stupa. Thus they fulfilled the wish and completed the project of Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche.

Spritual Guidance of the Kalachakra Stupa Project in KBL

Lama Chogdrup Dorje

Lama Chogdrup Dorje is one of the most experienced Lamas concerning Kalachakra Stupas and has done long meditation retreats on this Buddha aspect.

He received the Kalachakra transmission from Bokar Rinpoche, who had received it directly from Kalu Rinpoche. Lama Chogdrup Dorje was recommended by Shamar Rinpoche and Hannah Nydahl very often.

Lama Chogdrub Dorje
Lama Ole Nydahl

Lama Ole Nydahl

Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah were among the first Western students of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, the first incarnate lama of Tibet. Since then, they have founded more than 660 Diamond Way Buddhist Centres around the world under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje.

Lama Ole has received several Kalachakra initiations from various transmission holders. In particular, he received the entire Kalachakra transmission from Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche.

The Meaning of a Kalachakra Stupa

Descriptions of the Kalachakra Stupa, a ninth and very special kind of Stupa, can be found in the highest teachings Buddha ever gave: the non-dual Maha-Anuttarayoga tantra. Kalachakra, also called the “Wheel of Time,” has great protective power and is connected to the Shambala prophecies.

The placement of the Kalachakra Stupa at the southern tip of Europe will help us protect our freedom. This type of stupa is very rare, there are only a few all over the world. One of them was build 1994 at the retreat place Karma Guen in Spain by Lama Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche.

The History of the Kalachakra Stupa in KBL

To be continued…