It has been few years since the program of taking care of Berchen Ling by international sangha started and it was always a great fun and pleasure to be part of it. But this year we decided to go one more step further towards the real purpose of this amazing retreat place of ours. As a part of Czech month (February) in Berchen Ling Czech group organized one week group retreat with two traveling teachers.
Once we arrived to the place we knew immediately that it was the best idea we could have. It´s hard to describe how it felt to meditate there together, but few of my friends told me that it was such a strong experience that it somehow changed them. I hope in a positive way:-)
Anyway we hope that other countries will also organize meditation courses and retreats with traveling teachers the whole year around in Berchen Ling and use this precious place as much as possible:-)
We are going to organize similar meditation course with Karolina Pospisilova and Jakub Kadlec again next year, but this time international. So, you are all more than welcome.
See you all up in KBL next year.
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