8th Karmapa Retreat 2017 with Astrid & Wolfgang Poier

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Dear friends,

With great joy we remember the marvelous 8th Karmapa week we had together in Karma Berchen Ling retreat center. It was wonderful to spend this precious time with all of you and that we could “meditate in four sessions” focusing our consciousness to liberation and enlightenment. We strongly felt our mutual support as a Sangha doing this 8th Karmapa meditations and creating all together a powerfield where we could easily relax and get more confidence in our mind and its qualities. As we could find out, not only the goal, but each step on the way can be interesting and “beautiful”, even meditative situations where we have to work through disturbing emotions and trying to overcome concepts about ourselves, others and the world. And we felt that openness to the blessing of the Lama is the tool to open up our mind to experiences beyond the intellect. Due to our one-pointedness and the protection-field of the Lama it was an easy going retreat without hindrances. So thank you, Lama! Many thanks as well to all of you who contributed so much that this great time could happen! We enjoyed the additional evening we had in Athens center and with the Sangha there very much too. Hope to meet you again in the future.

Best regards and hugs, Astrid and Wolfgang

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2017-11-04T12:23:41+00:00 November 3rd, 2017|

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