Mahamudra course with Lama Ole Nydahl

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At the end of the summer we had the great pleasure to host once more Lama Ole Nydahl who has guided Mahamudra Course.  Mahamudra means “The Great Seal” and is considered to be the crown jewel of Buddha’s teachings. Lama Ole used 3 different Mahamudra texts:

– text that was composed in the 14th century by His Holiness Rangjung Dorje – The 3rd K-armapa (1284-1339). In this text the 3rd Karmapa explains the nature of mind, m      aking it possible for us to share in his experience of Mahamudra. He shows that our true essence is open, clear, and limitless space which opens up our full potential for fearlessness, joy, and active compassion.

– text of Mahamudra given by Tilopa to Naropa called also Ganges Mahamudra

– text of Mahamudra given by Lama Shang, an extraordinary master living and teaching in the eleventh century


Except from giving lectures and answering questions Lama Ole has married the couples who wished for a Buddhist marriage.


There was also enough time to share time enjoying the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding nature and… climb up the near mountains!


2017-11-04T22:17:25+00:00 September 27th, 2014|

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