New Year Under Snow

Home » KBL Blog » New Year Under Snow

2015-01-02 14.45.34

When we met Lama Ole a couple of weeks before our visit to Greece he said “there will be snow in KBL” and he was right as always.

We had the great pleasure to spend precious time over the new year holidays, meditating and sharing teachings in the snow covered mountains of KBL. Completely cut off from the rest of the world in over a meter of snow we were in true retreat with twenty friends absorbed in our practice and watching our mind. The new year was greeted meditating together after which we listened to the streaming with Lama Ole, made the boddhisatva promise and celebrated with champagne.

A local hero made it possible for us to leave when he arrived with his bulldozer at the gate of KBL opening up the road for us. Our visit was an experience to never forget! Thank you all who make it possible.



2017-11-04T21:54:47+00:00 January 29th, 2015|

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