Dismantling “Bulgarian” House

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Right before the inauguration of a great Kalachakra Stupa (2010) friends asked us to build a small retreat house in the most beautiful of our retreat places – Karma Berchen Ling. We had just two weeks to do so, and in the same time to finish it completely in order to break a pattern we’ve all seen too often – starting and not finishing a project. Well, this time we’ve managed and it has been happily used by friends for several years (the so called Bulgarian house).

As the plans for the usage of space change, although beautiful and useful, we had to dismantle the house this year. Instead of bulldozing the house down, we’ve used an extended weekend and dismantled it together with Greek and Bulgarian youngsters during their meditation course this autumn. With all elements numbered, photographed and stored, and two big boxes of screws, it awaits it’s next reincarnation. Needless to say – it was as much fun dismantling, as it was building it, and great friendships were born and the old ones strengthened once again!

2017-11-04T12:52:39+00:00 October 25th, 2016|

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