On 20 May 20, a bright sunny day, the “Ground Breaking Ceremony” for the eight Stupas project took place under the guidance of Lama Chogdrup Dorje. The ceremony was carried out as planned in the presence of friends from several different nations.
During the ceremony, symbolic offerings including specially made Tibetan “tormas” (offering cakes) were given to the local protectors of the land, asking them for permission to start the project that will be beneficial to all sentient beings. After the mantras and prayers of the ceremony, everyone took part in the beginning of the excavation in a happy mood. Shovels and wheelbarrows were used for the first bit of dig. Two days later professional excavation machines took over the work.
On 21 May, another sunny and very windy day, new prayer flags in all five colors (blue, white, red, green, yellow) were put up on the flagpoles on the hill behind the Kalachakra Stupa, followed by a Sang ceremony that filled the air with the cleansing scent of burning juniper wood.
In the following days with a presence of Lama Chogdrup Dorje and about 30 friends, we continued rolling mantras and preparation of other items for filling Stupas. In the following two to three weeks we plan to finish rolling mantras and start to make 1,800 Tsatsas. At the same time, the foundation for the Stupas will be prepared.
What a blessing to see Lama Tcheudroup again with these photos.
Thank you so much.
I wish I could be with you. I am with my heart…
Thank you for these stupas and this beautiful place for Dharma.
A french student called Coralie
Please can You Tell me what is with Pema, the Dog. I am Uli Dembeck from Dortmund
Germany.good wishes Uli